Wastewater Utility

Within our City of Mount Vernon, Ohio, the Wastewater Treatment Plant has been running 24/7 for decades and treats an average of 3 million gallons of wastewater each day by way of the 219 miles of wastewater lines in the city’s Collection System. The wastewater utility provides citizens with the amenities of pumping and treating the wastewater from their homes and the Wastewater Department is funded by revenues from citizen’s wastewater utility fees. Funds for the department have continued to diminish as costs continue to rise for the department and wastewater industry as a whole. This is a system that is key to sustaining our quality of life. If parts of the treatment plant were to fail, the effect on our town and all living things within would be catastrophic. Council approved a 15% increase for wastewater utility fees effective March 1, 2021, January 1, 2022, and January 1, 2023 in order to fund necessary projects and aid in covering expenses.  Below are various resources to learn more about wastewater, Mount Vernon’s system, and the new developments on the wastewater utility from the Utilities Commission and City Council.

Water In Basement Claim Form

Wastewater Service Charges – Effective March 1, 2021

Wastewater, Water and Stormwater Rate Information

Responses to Public Meeting Questions Held on 1-19-21

FAQ Sheet on Wastewater 


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year of foundation

