Water and Wastewater

Check for leaks. If you feel there is a problem with high usage on your water/wastewater billing, please contact our office. We will give you tips on how to check for any problems. In the event you are unable to locate the issue, we can schedule a service line check. We will meet you at your property so that you can turn off your main supply valve; we then monitor the meter for usage. This process will tell you whether or not there is a leak in the service line between the meter and the service entrance. Please be advised that water department personnel will not enter your dwelling; they will only be determining meter movement.
Waiver of Minimum Charges. This charge was instituted for vacant properties. If you are selling your home and anticipate the property to be vacant for 6 months or more, you may want to inquire about our vacation rate. If you apply for this rate, we terminate your service, remove your meter and you will receive no further billing for water or sewer until you wish to once again have service reinstated to the property. There is a requirement that you have all billing paid in full prior to receiving the vacant property rate. You must also pay an advance $75.00 fee for the waiver. Please note this is not applicable for Clinton Township revenue charges, sewer-only accounts or stormwater accounts.
Pool credits. If you have a swimming pool in your yard, we will allow a one time per year credit on the wastewater portion of your bill for all usage over your average. Pool water must not be drained into the sanitary sewer to receive this credit. We will also be surveying consumers with pools to make sure they have installed proper backflow devices. We require that a vacuum breaker be placed on all threaded spigots. (These may be purchased at your local hardware store). Installment of these are a requirement for you to receive your pool credit. Please also remember to complete a pool credit from which can be found online or picked up at the office.
Freeze credits. In the wintertime, to keep lines from freezing back into the meters we allow freeze credits. If you wish to allow your water to run in a small thin stream, we will credit your water/wastewater billings back to your average. Maximum amount of credit allowed for freezing is for 900 cubic foot per unit. Please notify us in writing if you wish to exercise this option.
Unit reductions. If you have a multiple unit dwelling and decide to convert your home/rental to a single unit, you may want to ask us for a unit reduction. Please call the office to discuss the requirements for making adjustments to the number of units being billed. Any incorrect information should be immediately reported to our office.
Surepay. Our department works with Park National Bank to provide automated direct pay. Through our ACH program, we can debit your water/wastewater billing directly from your checking account. We also offer automated payments through Invoice Cloud. You will receive a bill indicating you have signed up for direct pay. You may contact us with any questions or problems prior to the time the deduction is made. Otherwise, the automatic payments will be debited on the 15th of each month. Should the 15th fall on a weekend or holiday, your payment will be debited the next business day.
On Line Payments. Click this link…. https://invoicecloud.com/mountvernonohio
Night deposit box. For your convenience we have a night deposit box located at the north side of our building. Payments put into the night deposit box will be processed the next business day. Should a due date fall on a weekend or holiday, payments received through the night deposit will be processed on the following business day and considered on time.
Drive thru window. To make your bill-paying easier, we have converted the drive-thru window into a drive-thru drop-box. These payments are treated the same as those made at the night deposit box. This is a convenience many customers appreciate.
Office Information
3 North Gay Street
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050-3241
Office Telephone: (740) 393-9504
Office Hours: Monday and Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.