Stormwater Utility
If you own a non-residential zoned property and would like to review your current stormwater utility charge please reference the “Non-Residential ERU Master List – Public Release” document below and call the Engineering Department at (740) 393-9528 if you have any questions or concerns.
City Council has passed legislation which establishes a Stormwater Utility within our City of Mount Vernon, Ohio. A Stormwater Utility is a program that provides for the maintenance and improvement of public systems of drainage throughout our community. The collected revenues will be placed in a dedicated fund which can only be used for expenses related to the maintenance and improvement of public drainage systems. Many municipalities in Ohio and across the nation have implemented Stormwater Utilities as an alternative way to equitably pay for the costs of providing and maintaining a modern public drainage system. Over 100 communities in Ohio alone currently have an established Stormwater Utility. Drainage maintenance is required for public safety and economic viability. This stormwater utility will allow the City of Mount Vernon, Ohio to take a more systematic approach to flood reduction and drainage. For questions regarding Stormwater Utility please call 211.
Kokosing River Restoration Project 2021
Stormwater Utility Information
Non-Residential ERU Master List – Public Release
Stormwater Utility Rules and Regulations
Stormwater Utility Residential Adjustment Request
Stormwater Utility Non-Residential Adjustment Request
Stormwater Utility Customer Appeal
SUREPAY/Automatic Transaction Agreement
Knox Cattle Company Dam: Executive Summary of Alternatives Analysis
square, miles
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